Video 20:

Parasha Terumah – Qadosh (Set-apart) Worship!

At first glance, the structure of the tabernacle may not make total sense, and we might ask ourselves why was Yahweh so specific on how to construct the tabernacle (His Set-Apart house). As we go through this study, we will discover all the various ways the structure of the tabernacle points to Yeshua, His Melchizedekian Priesthood, and our salvation.

Chapter 9:

Parasha Vayeshev 2023: Yoseph: Faith in Affliction!

In Parasha Vayeshev we read about our forefather of the House of Ephraim, Yoseph (Joseph), about the prophetic dreams given to him by Yahweh Elohim, and about how he kept faith through affliction. Including when his own brothers sold him into Egypt. Yoseph is a perfect example of how we too can endure all things through Yeshua HaMashiach and never grow weak or weary in faith.

Chapter 9:

Parasha Behar 2022: Restoration as His Bride!

In Luqa (Luke) 21:36, Yeshua said that we need to watch and pray always that we might be counted worthy to escape all the things that will come to pass in these end times, so we can STAND before the Son of Man! And those few who DO choose to pray always, and who DO choose to give Yahweh their first and finest, THEY are the ones who will be chosen! Will we be among them? Join us for Parasha Behar 2022: Restoration as His Bride!

Video 20:

Parasha Behar 2022: Restoration as His Bride!

In Luqa (Luke) 21:36, Yeshua said that we need to watch and pray always that we might be counted worthy to escape all the things that will come to pass in these end times, so we can STAND before the Son of Man! And those few who DO choose to pray always, and who DO choose to give Yahweh their first and finest, THEY are the ones who will be chosen! Will we be among them? Join us for Parasha Behar 2022: Restoration as His Bride!

Video 2:

First Fruits? Or False Fruits?

In “First Fruits? Or False Fruits?” we explain why the Wave Sheaf Offering should consist of the very first full sheaf of barley that comes ripe in the land of Israel. We also explain why Yahweh does NOT want us to bring Him a random sheaf of barley from the middle of the barley harvest as a First Fruits offering. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to be sure to keep the feasts at the right time.

Video 7:

The Two Types of Prophecy

This video describes the two different types of prophecy: foretelling (where Yahweh speaks through a prophet to predict what will come to pass), and forthtelling (where a prophet speaks Yahweh’s words, but without predicting anything). It also shows how important the gift of prophecy is for Yeshua’s disciples, and how to tell when one is listening to a false prophet.

Chapter 29:

From Zechariah to Revelation Order

In Revelation and the End Times we saw how the four horses of Revelation first appear in Zechariah. However, when they appear in Zechariah they appear in a different order. In Zechariah, first the red horses appear, followed by the black horses, then white, and finally the dappled. (The dappled horses correspond to the green […]

Chapter 11:

The Five Beasts of Daniel

As we will see, a beast is a Babylonian empire system. Revelation 13 will introduce us to several beasts which also show up in the book of Daniel. Since it is essential that we know who and what these beasts are, let us take a look at them first in Daniel, and then in the […]

Chapter 2:

Tree of Knowledge, Tree of Life

Revelation 22:14 tells us that those who perform His commandments will have the right to the Tree of Life, that they may enter into the gates of the city (Renewed Jerusalem). Hitgalut (Revelation) 22:14-15 14 Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the Tree of Life, and may […]

Chapter 12:

Fulfilling the Prophecies

In the last chapter we saw how the lost ten tribes of Israel were sent into the dispersion for disobedience. But how long were they to be gone? When were they to return? Several of the prophecies give us answers to these questions, and more. Ezekiel was told to lie on his left side for […]

Chapter 11:

Israel is Swallowed Up

In the last chapter we saw how the Ephraimites fell into idolatry and called Yahweh Bel/Ba’al (Lord). We also saw how Yahweh said He would sow them into the earth like seed for their disobedience. This would be the first step in fulfilling the promises given to Avraham and Ya’akov (Jacob), such that every family, […]

If these works have been a help to you in your walk with Messiah Yeshua, please pray about partnering with His kingdom work. Thank you. Give