Chapter 2:

Parasha Va’etchanan 2022: “Does HE Matter to Us?”

In Devarim (Deuteronomy) chapter 4:2, Yahweh tells us NOT TO ADD ANYTHING to or take ANYTHING AWAY from the word which He commands us, that we might KEEP (SHOMER) the commandments which HE commands us!  And interestingly, Yeshua HaMashiach began His ministry with the same exact message!
Join us for Parasha Va’etchanan as we give just some examples of how both the house of Judah and the house of Ephraim are guilty “picking and choosing” what parts of Yahweh’s word to keep, that we may repent of this error and become pleasing unto Yahweh our Elohim.

Video 32:

Parasha Va’etchanan 2022: “Does HE Matter to Us?”

In Devarim (Deuteronomy) chapter 4:2, Yahweh tells us NOT TO ADD ANYTHING to or take ANYTHING AWAY from the word which He commands us, that we might KEEP (SHOMER) the commandments which HE commands us!  And interestingly, Yeshua HaMashiach began His ministry with the same exact message!
Join us for Parasha Va’etchanan as we give just some examples of how both the house of Judah and the house of Ephraim are guilty “picking and choosing” what parts of Yahweh’s word to keep, that we may repent of this error and become pleasing unto Yahweh our Elohim.

Chapter 7:

Parasha Kedoshim 2022: Are We Setting Ourselves Apart?

Most Christians and Messianic think they have the Set Apart (Holy) Spirit. But do we really know what it means to be Set Apart and walking in Yahweh’s Spirit? Do we really set ourselves apart from the world in order to walk in a way pleasing to Yahweh? And do we know that Yeshua and His disciples taught us to do just that? Join us for Parasha Kedoshim as we look at the fruit of having His Set Apart Spirit.

Video 18:

Parasha Kedoshim 2022: Are We Setting Ourselves Apart?

Most Christians and Messianic think they already have the Set Apart (Holy) Spirit–and many of them do (but they are quenching it without realizing it). But let us ask ourselves: do we genuinely know what it means to set ourselves apart from the world, and dwell in Yeshua, and walk in Yeshua’s Spirit? Join us for Parasha Kedoshim 2022, as we look at what it means to manifest Yeshua’s Spirit.

Chapter 6:

Parasha Acharei Mot 2022: Until Death Do Us Part!!

Thousands of years ago, our ancestors took a vow that we would love, honor, and cherish Yahweh our Elohim with all of our hearts, all of our souls, and all of our strength! Only, we have been breaking our vows ever since! But what happens to those who don’t keep ALL of His commandments, in the Day of His Coming? And do we understand that Armageddon comes before our wedding? The time to consider this is now, before it is too late!

Video 17:

Parasha Acharei Mot 2022: Until Death Do Us Part!!

Thousands of years ago, our ancestors took a vow that we would love, honor, and cherish Yahweh our Elohim with all of our hearts, all of our souls, and all of our strength! Only, we have been breaking our vows ever since! But what happens to those who don’t keep ALL of His commandments, in the Day of His Coming? And do we understand that the purges of the Tribulation and Armageddon come before our wedding? The time to consider this is now, before it is too late!

Chapter 4:

Parasha Teruah 2022: Here Comes the Groom!

Yom Teruah (The Day of Trumpets) 2022 is expected on 28 August 2022. And Yom Teruah represents the day our Bridegroom (Yeshua) will send His Messenger to announce that He will be coming for His bride that night! That means, tonight is the wedding! Are we ready? Are we preparing? Is our dress all ready? And are we taking that one last final look in the mirror before we meet our Groom face to face, and begin our new life with Him? Join us for Teruah 2022! Here Comes the Groom! (Are We REALLY-ready?)

Video 15:

Parasha Teruah 2022: Here Comes the Groom!

Yom Teruah (The Day of Trumpets) 2022 is expected on 28 August 2022. And Yom Teruah represents the day our Bridegroom (Yeshua) will send His Messenger to announce that He will be coming for His bride that night! That means, tonight is the wedding! Now we take the one final immersion, to wash ourselves clean, and get ready to begin our new life in our Husband’s Father’s house! And now we are taking that one last final look in the mirror before we meet our Groom face to face, and begin our new life with Him! Are we READY)? Join us for Teruah 2022! Here Comes the Groom!

Video 1:

Rosh HaShanah 2022: Recognizing the Head of the Year!

Rosh HaShanah 2022: Recognizing the Head of the Year shows how the priesthood determines (or recognizes) the Head of the Hebrew Year. This is the same calendar as taught to Israel by Moshe (Moses) in the wilderness of Sinai, and was still practiced in the first century, in the time of Yeshua (Jesus). Although it uses barley data from 2022, it applies equally to any year.

Video 2:

First Fruits? Or False Fruits?

In “First Fruits? Or False Fruits?” we explain why the Wave Sheaf Offering should consist of the very first full sheaf of barley that comes ripe in the land of Israel. We also explain why Yahweh does NOT want us to bring Him a random sheaf of barley from the middle of the barley harvest as a First Fruits offering. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to be sure to keep the feasts at the right time.

If these works have been a help to you in your walk with Messiah Yeshua, please pray about partnering with His kingdom work. Thank you. Give