Chapter 1:

Parasha B’reisheet 2023-24: Blessings in the Light!

B’reisheet means “In the beginning”. And in Parasha B’reisheet we learn about how Yahweh created us and what His plans for us were from the beginning. We will see how our rebellion has separated us from Elohim since the Fall of Man and His plan of Salvation for us through Yeshua HaMashiach. Please join us.

Video 1:

Parasha B’reisheet 2023-24: Blessings in the Light!

B’reisheet means “In the beginning”. And in Parasha B’reisheet we learn about how Yahweh created us and what His plans for us were from the beginning. We will see how our rebellion has separated us from Elohim since the Fall of Man and His plan of Salvation for us through Yeshua HaMashiach. Please join us.

Video 1:

Rosh HaShanah 2022: Recognizing the Head of the Year!

Rosh HaShanah 2022: Recognizing the Head of the Year shows how the priesthood determines (or recognizes) the Head of the Hebrew Year. This is the same calendar as taught to Israel by Moshe (Moses) in the wilderness of Sinai, and was still practiced in the first century, in the time of Yeshua (Jesus). Although it uses barley data from 2022, it applies equally to any year.

Chapter 2:

First Fruits? Or False Fruits?

In “First Fruits? Or False Fruits?” we explain why Yahweh wants us to bring Him the very first full sheaf of barley that comes ripe in the land of Israel. We also explain why Yahweh does NOT want us to bring Him just a random sheaf of barley from the middle of the barley harvest. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to be sure to keep the feasts at the right time.

Video 2:

First Fruits? Or False Fruits?

In “First Fruits? Or False Fruits?” we explain why the Wave Sheaf Offering should consist of the very first full sheaf of barley that comes ripe in the land of Israel. We also explain why Yahweh does NOT want us to bring Him a random sheaf of barley from the middle of the barley harvest as a First Fruits offering. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to be sure to keep the feasts at the right time.

Chapter 5:

Where is Equinox Commanded?

This study explains why many Karaites and Messianic believers are unwittingly practicing sun worship by “waiting for spring” before keeping the Passover, even when the barley is aviv (medium dough). It also explains how, if you believe the Passover cannot take place in winter, or if you feel you must “wait for spring” before celebrating the Passover, then you are unwittingly practicing sun worship, as “waiting for spring” or “waiting for the Spring Equinox” is not commanded anywhere in Scripture.

If these works have been a help to you in your walk with Messiah Yeshua, please pray about partnering with His kingdom work. Thank you. Give