Video 47:

Parasha Ki Tavo – Are we giving Yahweh our absolute best?

In parasha Ki Tavo, we ask the question, are we giving Yahweh our absolute best? Our general scope for this week’s study revolves around the attitude of our heart when we give. And we will determine that answer for ourselves as we will analyze and study things like the three-tithe system and whether or not it is lawful to pay taxes to Caesar. Please join us as we study Yahweh’s word.

Video 23:

Parasha Vayiqra – Forgiven and covered by Grace

In this week’s parasha Vayiqra, as we get into, the book of Leviticus (Vayiqra), we will be covering many of Yahweh’s commandments, and with that comes the confusion that exists between the two houses (Judah & Joseph) regarding forgiveness and Elohim’s grace, and so we will be clarifying those myths and misnomers of what it means to be forgiven and covered by Elohim’s grace.

Video 20:

Parasha Terumah – Qadosh (Set-apart) Worship!

At first glance, the structure of the tabernacle may not make total sense, and we might ask ourselves why was Yahweh so specific on how to construct the tabernacle (His Set-Apart house). As we go through this study, we will discover all the various ways the structure of the tabernacle points to Yeshua, His Melchizedekian Priesthood, and our salvation.

Chapter 1:

Parasha Bemidbar 2022: Yahweh’s Armies Prepare for War!

In Shemote (Exodus) we learned how Yahweh brought our ancestors out of Egypt with the calling to become one nation under His commandments, and obeying His voice. Now, after some 3,500 years, will we choose to hear Yahweh’s voice, and obey “ALL” of His commandments? Join us for Parasha Bemidbar 2022, to see how we can reclaim our calling as His Set-apart bridal nation!

Video 22:

Parasha Bemidbar 2022: Yahweh’s Armies Prepare for War!

In Shemote (Exodus) we learned how Yahweh brought our ancestors out of Egypt with the calling to become one nation under His commandments, and obeying His voice. Now, after some 3,500 years, will we choose to hear Yahweh’s voice, and obey “ALL” of His commandments? Join us for Parasha Bemidbar 2022, to see how we can reclaim our calling as His Set-apart bridal nation!

Chapter 9:

Parasha Behar 2022: Restoration as His Bride!

In Luqa (Luke) 21:36, Yeshua said that we need to watch and pray always that we might be counted worthy to escape all the things that will come to pass in these end times, so we can STAND before the Son of Man! And those few who DO choose to pray always, and who DO choose to give Yahweh their first and finest, THEY are the ones who will be chosen! Will we be among them? Join us for Parasha Behar 2022: Restoration as His Bride!

Video 20:

Parasha Behar 2022: Restoration as His Bride!

In Luqa (Luke) 21:36, Yeshua said that we need to watch and pray always that we might be counted worthy to escape all the things that will come to pass in these end times, so we can STAND before the Son of Man! And those few who DO choose to pray always, and who DO choose to give Yahweh their first and finest, THEY are the ones who will be chosen! Will we be among them? Join us for Parasha Behar 2022: Restoration as His Bride!

Chapter 9:

The Unified Melchizedekian Structure

Babylonian governments use pyramidal hierarchies, which normally have a power elite at the top. In contrast, Yeshua told His priesthood that whoever would be great in His kingdom had to make himself the servant of all. (We can visualize this by putting oneself on the bottom of an inverted pyramid.) Mattityahu (Matthew) 20:25-26 25 But […]

If these works have been a help to you in your walk with Messiah Yeshua, please pray about partnering with His kingdom work. Thank you. Give