Video 25:

Parasha Shemini-Living Intentionally

In parasha Shemini we will analyze the thought-provoking deaths of Nadab, Abihu, and Uzzah. It is in these examples where scripture unequivocally declares that even with the seemingly boring, and monotonous aspects of our lives, if they are not done with the correct intention and careful consideration for Yahweh’s desires, we can yield undesired consequences in our lives.

Video 24:

Parasha Tzav-What do the burnt offerings really symbolize?

Have you wondered why Yahweh gave the specifics of the burnt offerings and how they really point to Yeshua? In this week’s parasha Tzav, we will take a deeper dive into last week’s study, “Forgiven and covered by Grace” and how the burnt offerings really symbolize deep repentance, trust and faith in Yeshua.

Chapter 9:

Parasha Vayelech 2022-23: Are We A Worthy Bride?

In Parasha Vayelech, we will see why Yeshua is called the Husband of the assembly, why Yahweh calls Himself the Husband of Israel, and what the difference is between ‘faith’ and ‘belief’. Please join us as we study Torah, Israel’s marriage contract with Yahweh Elohim.

Video 38:

Parasha Vayelech 2022-23: Are We A Worthy Bride?

In Parasha Vayelech, we will see why Yeshua is called the Husband of the assembly, why Yahweh calls Himself the Husband of Israel, and what the difference is between ‘faith’ and ‘belief’. Please join us as we study Torah, Israel’s marriage contract with Yahweh Elohim.

Chapter 2:

Parasha Nasso 2022: The Brotherhood and the Nazirites!

Today, in 2022, there is a growing amount of confusion concerning the roles of men and women in society. Even Christians and Messianic can easily misunderstand what Scripture says about these roles. Join us for Parasha Nasso 2022 as we take a look at what true Brotherhood (Patriarchy) is according to Scripture, and why it is so important for the structure of the family and for the entire nation of Israel. And we will also take a look at the Nazirite vow.

Video 23:

Parasha Nasso 2022: The Brotherhood and the Nazirites!

Today, in 2022, there is a growing amount of confusion concerning the roles of men and women in society. Even Christians and Messianic can easily misunderstand what Scripture says about these roles. Join us for Parasha Nasso 2022 as we take a look at what true Brotherhood (Patriarchy) is according to Scripture, and why it is so important for the structure of the family and for the entire nation of Israel. And we will also take a look at the Nazirite vow.

Chapter 4:

Parasha Teruah 2022: Here Comes the Groom!

Yom Teruah (The Day of Trumpets) 2022 is expected on 28 August 2022. And Yom Teruah represents the day our Bridegroom (Yeshua) will send His Messenger to announce that He will be coming for His bride that night! That means, tonight is the wedding! Are we ready? Are we preparing? Is our dress all ready? And are we taking that one last final look in the mirror before we meet our Groom face to face, and begin our new life with Him? Join us for Teruah 2022! Here Comes the Groom! (Are We REALLY-ready?)

Video 15:

Parasha Teruah 2022: Here Comes the Groom!

Yom Teruah (The Day of Trumpets) 2022 is expected on 28 August 2022. And Yom Teruah represents the day our Bridegroom (Yeshua) will send His Messenger to announce that He will be coming for His bride that night! That means, tonight is the wedding! Now we take the one final immersion, to wash ourselves clean, and get ready to begin our new life in our Husband’s Father’s house! And now we are taking that one last final look in the mirror before we meet our Groom face to face, and begin our new life with Him! Are we READY)? Join us for Teruah 2022! Here Comes the Groom!

Chapter 19:

Jewish Etiquette is Fold Your Napkin

If our good heavenly Father should bless you with the opportunity to dine in a Jewish home, a knowledge of Jewish custom may be helpful. Here is how Yeshua handled matters of table etiquette. In Jewish etiquette, if one has enjoyed the fellowship meal (and would like to return if invited), the custom is to […]

Chapter 24:

About Ritual Cleanness

In this chapter we are going to talk about three different things: spiritual health, physical health, and ritual cleanness. These are three totally different things, but sometimes there are relationships between them. However, we have to be careful what conclusions we draw, because the relationships do not always hold true in reverse. Before we begin, […]

Chapter 10:

How Long is a Hebrew Day?

Genesis 1 tells us that a day is made up of both an evening (nighttime) portion, and a morning (“daylight”) portion. For example: B’reisheet (Genesis) 1:31b 31b So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Leviticus 23:32 also tells us that the Day of Atonement lasts from one evening to the next. This […]

Chapter 7:

About Ritual Cleanness

In this chapter we are going to talk about three different things: spiritual health, physical health, and ritual cleanness. These are three totally different things, but sometimes there are relationships between them. However, we have to be careful what conclusions we draw, because the relationships do not always hold true in reverse. Before we begin, […]

If these works have been a help to you in your walk with Messiah Yeshua, please pray about partnering with His kingdom work. Thank you. Give