Chapter 8:

Parasha Pinchas 2022: Israel Worships THE LORD (BAAL)!

In Parasha Pinchas we read about the heroic act of Phineas when the men of Israel errored with the Midianite women. But why was it such an error for Israel to mingle with the Midianite women (who worshipped false deities)? And in what way did that make our ancestors guilty of spiritual adultery? And as the House of Israel, are we remaining set apart unto Yahweh our Elohim today? Or might we have fallen into the same error of our ancestors? Allowing spiritual influences from those outside the faith and committing spiritual adultery against Yahweh Elohim? Join us to find out.

Video 29:

Parasha Pinchas 2022: Israel Worships THE LORD (BAAL)!

In Parasha Pinchas we read about the heroic act of Phineas when the men of Israel errored with the Midianite women. But why was it such an error for Israel to mingle with the Midianite women (who worshipped false deities)? And in what way did that make our ancestors guilty of spiritual adultery? And as the House of Israel, are we remaining set apart unto Yahweh our Elohim today? Or might we have fallen into the same error of our ancestors? Allowing spiritual influences from those outside the faith and committing spiritual adultery against Yahweh Elohim? Join us to find out.

Chapter 5:

Parasha Korach 2022: Democracy in Action!

Joining Yahweh’s army is a team effort. And when we join, we need to ACCEPT the position He assigns us, RECOGNIZE those whom He appoints (or anoints) over us, and then SUPPORT the team effort! But doesn’t it seem like no matter WHOM Yahweh appointed, our forefathers always REJECTED them? And is Ephraim truly doing what Yeshua tells us to do? And are WE perhaps following in the same errors today, without even realizing it? Join us for the answers to these crucial questions, so we can PLEASE our King!

Video 26:

Parasha Korach 2022: Democracy in Action!

Joining Yahweh’s army is a team effort. And when we join, we need to ACCEPT the position He assigns us, RECOGNIZE those whom He appoints (or anoints) over us, and then SUPPORT the team effort! But doesn’t it seem like no matter WHOM Yahweh appointed, our forefathers always REJECTED them? And is Ephraim truly doing what Yeshua tells us to do? And are WE perhaps following in the same errors today, without even realizing it? Join us for the answers to these crucial questions, so we can PLEASE our King!

Chapter 9:

Parasha Ki Tisa 2022: Allegiance To HIM

What role does ALLEGIANCE play in Scripture? In “Ki Tisa 2022: Where is Your Allegiance?” we show how our forefathers (sadly) have a history of hearing and obeying Satan rather than hearing and obeying Yahweh! In this video we explore the “Golden Calf Rule”—that we must never do to Yahweh our Elohim as our ancestors did unto Yahweh in the wilderness! To know what our ancestors did–so we can avoid making the same mistakes–read this study and learn how we can all give our full allegiance to Yahweh our Elohim, so that we no longer build Satan’s (Babylonian) kingdom.

Video 10:

Parasha Ki Tisa 2022: Allegiance to HIM

What role does ALLEGIANCE play in Scripture? In “Ki Tisa 2022: Where is Your Allegiance?” we show how our forefathers (sadly) have a history of listening to Satan rather than hearing and obeying Yahweh! In this video we explore the “Golden Calf Rule”—that we should never do to Yahweh our Elohim as our ancestors did unto Yahweh—but we have to know what our ancestors did, so we can avoid making the same mistakes! Watch this video and learn how we can all give our full allegiance to Yahweh our Elohim, so that we no longer build Satan’s (Babylonian) kingdom.

Chapter 28:

America, Land of Babylon

In Nazarene Israel we saw how there are Ephraimites in all countries, and yet the United States of America (USA) is the land promised to Joseph’s descendants. Genesis 49:26 tells us that Joseph’s descendants were to occupy the richest of all the lands. However, this land was also to be attacked and bitterly grieved by […]

Chapter 18:

The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan

Jacob von Coudenhove-Kalergi was a Bohemian Mason who was half European, and half Japanese. In 1922 he founded a Pan-European Movement with the eventual goal of establishing a one world government. He hoped this government would merge all races together to form a “pan-European negroid race,” with a single religion (to unite them). The only […]

Chapter 17:

Come Out of Her, My People

Revelation 18:2 tells us that Babylon the great is fallen. As we have learned, this takes place in the heavens at trumpet 7. However, it takes time for this to play out on earth. Babylonian government will slowly fall as the cups are poured out—and then what remains will fall after the Battle of Armageddon. […]

Chapter 4:

About American Independence Day

In Nazarene Israel we saw that Satan is a deceiver, and that his main tactic is to create substitutes (decoys) for the truth. We also saw how the anti-Messiah is not so much someone who fights against the Messiah, but is a replacement for the Messiah (i.e., a substitute Messiah). In Torah Government v2 we […]

Chapter 19:

Come All the Way Out

Revelation 12:13-17 says that when the dragon saw he had been cast to earth, he persecuted the woman (true Israel) who gave birth to the male child (Yeshua). The woman was given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness to her place. There she is nourished for a time […]

Chapter 15:

The Cup Judgments

While the seals play out over hundreds of years, and the tribulation takes approximately seven years, the bowls are poured out in about 30 days. We might visualize a fireworks display which starts slowly, builds, and finally peaks in a grand finale at the end. We can also apply the parable of the pregnant bride […]

Chapter 13:

Laodicea: “The People Rule”

In Torah Government, we explain that originally there was no need for government because all men were literally brothers, and their fathers (the patriarchs) ruled over their families. However, even then there was murder and the fruits of the flesh. B’reisheet (Genesis) 4:8-9 8 Now Qayin [Cain] talked with Hevel [Abel] his brother; and it […]

Chapter 14:

The 144,000 and the Grapes of Wrath

Revelation 14 describes three harvests. First comes the harvest of the 144,000 (the firstfruits). Then comes the grain harvest. Finally comes the grape harvest. These latter two harvests may also be the harvest of the great multitude dressed in white (Revelation 19:14). The timing of the harvest of the 144,000 and the great multitude is […]

Chapter 11:

The Five Beasts of Daniel

As we will see, a beast is a Babylonian empire system. Revelation 13 will introduce us to several beasts which also show up in the book of Daniel. Since it is essential that we know who and what these beasts are, let us take a look at them first in Daniel, and then in the […]

Chapter 5:

Forbidden Images

When Yahweh created man, He created him in His own image; male and female He created them. Genesis 1:26-27 26 Then Elohim said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over […]

Chapter 11:

Israel is Swallowed Up

In the last chapter we saw how the Ephraimites fell into idolatry and called Yahweh Bel/Ba’al (Lord). We also saw how Yahweh said He would sow them into the earth like seed for their disobedience. This would be the first step in fulfilling the promises given to Avraham and Ya’akov (Jacob), such that every family, […]

Chapter 12:

Phase 2: The Babylonian Foundation

We have learned that a living temple is built on a foundation of apostles and prophets. To do their jobs, the apostles and prophets must put their own thoughts, feelings, and egos aside. They must submit to the Spirit, and then submit to one another in the Spirit. They must put the Spirit first, the […]

If these works have been a help to you in your walk with Messiah Yeshua, please pray about partnering with His kingdom work. Thank you. Give