Video 23:

Parasha Vayiqra – Forgiven and covered by Grace

In this week’s parasha Vayiqra, as we get into, the book of Leviticus (Vayiqra), we will be covering many of Yahweh’s commandments, and with that comes the confusion that exists between the two houses (Judah & Joseph) regarding forgiveness and Elohim’s grace, and so we will be clarifying those myths and misnomers of what it means to be forgiven and covered by Elohim’s grace.

The Rebbe and PM Netanyahu! (Why Curse the Lost 10 Tribes?)

Rebbe (Schneerson) taught that the Israel’s lost ten tribes are lost among Christians. Why do the Chabad and Orthodox Jews curse Christians 3 times each weekday? Does PM Netanyahu defend ‘holy hate speech’ against Judah’s “best friends in the world”?

PM Netanyahu: END the TALMUDIC CURSES! (Talmud Tractate Berakhot 28b-29a)

Why does Talmud Tractate Berakhot 28b-29a require Orthodox Jews to curse literally everyone else (Karaites, Reform, Reconstructionist Jews, Israeli Messianics, and Christians) 3 times daily? Mr. Prime Minister Netanyahu, does this not ignite hatred and violence between Judah and Ephraim?

Video 18:

Parasha Yitro 2023 – “Yeshua and the Ten Commandments!”

In “Parasha Yitro: Yeshua and the Ten Commandments!” we learn about the need for organization and the need for proper understanding of the Ten Commandments in both the House of Judah and the House of Joseph. We will see how the Ten Commandments are a summation of Torah, how the two commandments given in Matthew chapter 22 are a summation of the Ten Commandments, And how part of HaMashiach Yeshua’s ministry was to bring both Houses back to Torah.

Chapter 9:

Parasha Vayelech 2022-23: Are We A Worthy Bride?

In Parasha Vayelech, we will see why Yeshua is called the Husband of the assembly, why Yahweh calls Himself the Husband of Israel, and what the difference is between ‘faith’ and ‘belief’. Please join us as we study Torah, Israel’s marriage contract with Yahweh Elohim.

Video 38:

Parasha Vayelech 2022-23: Are We A Worthy Bride?

In Parasha Vayelech, we will see why Yeshua is called the Husband of the assembly, why Yahweh calls Himself the Husband of Israel, and what the difference is between ‘faith’ and ‘belief’. Please join us as we study Torah, Israel’s marriage contract with Yahweh Elohim.

Chapter 2:

Parasha Va’etchanan 2022: “Does HE Matter to Us?”

In Devarim (Deuteronomy) chapter 4:2, Yahweh tells us NOT TO ADD ANYTHING to or take ANYTHING AWAY from the word which He commands us, that we might KEEP (SHOMER) the commandments which HE commands us!  And interestingly, Yeshua HaMashiach began His ministry with the same exact message!
Join us for Parasha Va’etchanan as we give just some examples of how both the house of Judah and the house of Ephraim are guilty “picking and choosing” what parts of Yahweh’s word to keep, that we may repent of this error and become pleasing unto Yahweh our Elohim.

Video 32:

Parasha Va’etchanan 2022: “Does HE Matter to Us?”

In Devarim (Deuteronomy) chapter 4:2, Yahweh tells us NOT TO ADD ANYTHING to or take ANYTHING AWAY from the word which He commands us, that we might KEEP (SHOMER) the commandments which HE commands us!  And interestingly, Yeshua HaMashiach began His ministry with the same exact message!
Join us for Parasha Va’etchanan as we give just some examples of how both the house of Judah and the house of Ephraim are guilty “picking and choosing” what parts of Yahweh’s word to keep, that we may repent of this error and become pleasing unto Yahweh our Elohim.

Chapter 8:

The Two Houses of Israel

Have you ever wondered why the United States has a special relationship with Great Britain, and also with Israel? This is explained by the Two House Theory. This theory is so important that we will come back to it repeatedly through the balance of this book. Genesis is prophetic. It establishes patterns that are repeated […]

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