Video 23:

Parasha Vayiqra – Forgiven and covered by Grace

In this week’s parasha Vayiqra, as we get into, the book of Leviticus (Vayiqra), we will be covering many of Yahweh’s commandments, and with that comes the confusion that exists between the two houses (Judah & Joseph) regarding forgiveness and Elohim’s grace, and so we will be clarifying those myths and misnomers of what it means to be forgiven and covered by Elohim’s grace.

Video 22:

Parasha Vayakhel-Pekudei – What is Yahweh’s Definition of Love?

Have you ever taken a moment to ponder what your definition of love is, and then compared it to Yahweh’s? Well in parasha Vayakhel/Pekudei, we will study the life of King Josiah, and cross reference his life, with passages from the Brit Chadasha, and we will come away with Yahweh’s definition of love, and see if we match it.

Video 20:

Parasha Terumah – Qadosh (Set-apart) Worship!

At first glance, the structure of the tabernacle may not make total sense, and we might ask ourselves why was Yahweh so specific on how to construct the tabernacle (His Set-Apart house). As we go through this study, we will discover all the various ways the structure of the tabernacle points to Yeshua, His Melchizedekian Priesthood, and our salvation.

Video 18:

Parasha Yitro 2023 – “Yeshua and the Ten Commandments!”

In “Parasha Yitro: Yeshua and the Ten Commandments!” we learn about the need for organization and the need for proper understanding of the Ten Commandments in both the House of Judah and the House of Joseph. We will see how the Ten Commandments are a summation of Torah, how the two commandments given in Matthew chapter 22 are a summation of the Ten Commandments, And how part of HaMashiach Yeshua’s ministry was to bring both Houses back to Torah.

Video 14:

Parasha Shemote 2023 – “Faith Like A Lion!”

Welcome to Parasha Shemote, the first parasha of the Parashiot Shemote series. Join us on the journey of how Yahweh used one humble man (Moshe, or Moses) to begin building the nation of Yisrael (Israel). And how Yahweh Elohim is able to use anyone for His good purpose if we walk in faith and obedience to His perfect will. For as Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 18 says, we are the clay, and He is the Potter.

Chapter 1:

Parasha B’reisheet 2023-24: Blessings in the Light!

B’reisheet means “In the beginning”. And in Parasha B’reisheet we learn about how Yahweh created us and what His plans for us were from the beginning. We will see how our rebellion has separated us from Elohim since the Fall of Man and His plan of Salvation for us through Yeshua HaMashiach. Please join us.

Video 1:

Parasha B’reisheet 2023-24: Blessings in the Light!

B’reisheet means “In the beginning”. And in Parasha B’reisheet we learn about how Yahweh created us and what His plans for us were from the beginning. We will see how our rebellion has separated us from Elohim since the Fall of Man and His plan of Salvation for us through Yeshua HaMashiach. Please join us.

Chapter 9:

Parasha Vayelech 2022-23: Are We A Worthy Bride?

In Parasha Vayelech, we will see why Yeshua is called the Husband of the assembly, why Yahweh calls Himself the Husband of Israel, and what the difference is between ‘faith’ and ‘belief’. Please join us as we study Torah, Israel’s marriage contract with Yahweh Elohim.

Video 38:

Parasha Vayelech 2022-23: Are We A Worthy Bride?

In Parasha Vayelech, we will see why Yeshua is called the Husband of the assembly, why Yahweh calls Himself the Husband of Israel, and what the difference is between ‘faith’ and ‘belief’. Please join us as we study Torah, Israel’s marriage contract with Yahweh Elohim.

Video 36:

Parasha Ki Tavo 2022-23: Spiritual, Righteous Discipline!

Like any loving parent, Yahweh has certain ‘house rules’ for His children to follow when we are part of His house. He has punishments (curses) for when we disobey Him. And rewards (blessings) for when we do obey Him. Join us for Parasha Ki Tavo as we see how Yahweh disciplines us, and why His discipline is really a show of His love and Salvation for His people.

Chapter 7:

Parasha Ki Tavo 2022-23: Spiritual, Righteous Discipline!

Like any loving parent, Yahweh has certain ‘house rules’ for His children to follow when we are part of His house. He has punishments (curses) for when we disobey Him. And rewards (blessings) for when we do obey Him. Join us for Parasha Ki Tavo as we see how Yahweh disciplines us, and why His discipline is really a show of His love and Salvation for His people.

Chapter 6:

Parasha Ki Tetze 2022-23: Love that Runs Deep!

Yeshua summarized His Father’s commandments into two main concepts. To love Yahweh above everything else, and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. But how do some of Yahweh’s strictest commandments show love for Him or for our neighbor? Is our understanding of love today the same as Yahweh’s? Or did we somehow gain a false perception of what true love really is? Join us for Parasha Tetze as we examine how Yahweh views our love for Him and for one another, according to His Word.

Video 35:

Parasha Ki Tetze 2022-23: Love that Runs Deep!

Yeshua summarized His Father’s commandments into two main concepts. To love Yahweh above everything else, and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. But how do some of Yahweh’s strictest commandments show love for Him or for our neighbor? Is our understanding of love today the same as Yahweh’s? Or did we somehow gain a false perception of what true love really is? Join us for Parasha Tetze as we examine how Yahweh views our love for Him and for one another, according to His Word.

Chapter 2:

Parasha Va’etchanan 2022: “Does HE Matter to Us?”

In Devarim (Deuteronomy) chapter 4:2, Yahweh tells us NOT TO ADD ANYTHING to or take ANYTHING AWAY from the word which He commands us, that we might KEEP (SHOMER) the commandments which HE commands us!  And interestingly, Yeshua HaMashiach began His ministry with the same exact message!
Join us for Parasha Va’etchanan as we give just some examples of how both the house of Judah and the house of Ephraim are guilty “picking and choosing” what parts of Yahweh’s word to keep, that we may repent of this error and become pleasing unto Yahweh our Elohim.

Video 32:

Parasha Va’etchanan 2022: “Does HE Matter to Us?”

In Devarim (Deuteronomy) chapter 4:2, Yahweh tells us NOT TO ADD ANYTHING to or take ANYTHING AWAY from the word which He commands us, that we might KEEP (SHOMER) the commandments which HE commands us!  And interestingly, Yeshua HaMashiach began His ministry with the same exact message!
Join us for Parasha Va’etchanan as we give just some examples of how both the house of Judah and the house of Ephraim are guilty “picking and choosing” what parts of Yahweh’s word to keep, that we may repent of this error and become pleasing unto Yahweh our Elohim.

Video 16:

Parasha Tazria/Metzora (Yom Kippur) 2022

In Parasha Tazria/Metzora 2022, we learn that the standards Yahweh has for physical cleanliness are more than just “skin deep”! Our Elohim not only wants us to “make the outside of our cup clean,” but He wants us to “clean the inside of our cups” also! And in this video, we show how “cleaning our cup from the inside out” until it sparkles is “Job #1” for all prospective brides.

Chapter 3:

Parasha Shemini 2022: What Would Yeshua Eat?

Have you ever wondered why there are so many diseases today? And why do so many Christians, Jews, and Messianics suffer from these diseases, even when they profess faith in Yeshua HaMashiach, and obey the dietary laws? Is He not Yahweh Rophé (who heals us)?) Or did we drift outside His will for our physical and spiritual health? And what is Yahweh really trying to tell us about food? Join us for Shemini 2022: What Would Yeshua Eat?

Video 14:

Parasha Shemini 2022: What Would Yeshua Eat?

Have you ever wondered why there are so many diseases today? And why do so many Christians, Jews, and Messianics suffer from disease, even when they profess faith in Yeshua HaMashiach, and obey the dietary laws? Is He not Yahweh Rophé (our Therapist, Who heals us)?) Or did we somehow drift outside His will for our physical and spiritual health? Or what happened?
And what is Yahweh REALLY trying to tell us about food? Join us for Parasha Shemini 2022: What Would Yeshua Eat?

Chapter 1:

Parasha Vayiqra 2022: Do We DELIGHT to do HIS Will?

Does Yahweh have as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as He does in OBEYING His Voice? Do we “DELIGHT do Yahweh’s will” (as His Son Yeshua did)? Join us for Parasha Vayiqra 2022, where we explain Yahweh’s TRUE purpose in giving our forefathers the sacrificial system, and what it will mean for us today if we do not obey ALL the commandments we can (Yahweh forbid!)

Video 12:

Parasha Vayiqra 2022: Do We DELIGHT to do HIS Will?

Does Yahweh have as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as He does in OBEYING His Voice? Do we “DELIGHT do Yahweh’s will” (as His Son Yeshua did)? Join us for Parasha Vayiqra 2022, where we explain Yahweh’s true purpose in giving our forefathers the sacrificial system, and what it means for us today.

Chapter 9:

Parasha Ki Tisa 2022: Allegiance To HIM

What role does ALLEGIANCE play in Scripture? In “Ki Tisa 2022: Where is Your Allegiance?” we show how our forefathers (sadly) have a history of hearing and obeying Satan rather than hearing and obeying Yahweh! In this video we explore the “Golden Calf Rule”—that we must never do to Yahweh our Elohim as our ancestors did unto Yahweh in the wilderness! To know what our ancestors did–so we can avoid making the same mistakes–read this study and learn how we can all give our full allegiance to Yahweh our Elohim, so that we no longer build Satan’s (Babylonian) kingdom.

Video 10:

Parasha Ki Tisa 2022: Allegiance to HIM

What role does ALLEGIANCE play in Scripture? In “Ki Tisa 2022: Where is Your Allegiance?” we show how our forefathers (sadly) have a history of listening to Satan rather than hearing and obeying Yahweh! In this video we explore the “Golden Calf Rule”—that we should never do to Yahweh our Elohim as our ancestors did unto Yahweh—but we have to know what our ancestors did, so we can avoid making the same mistakes! Watch this video and learn how we can all give our full allegiance to Yahweh our Elohim, so that we no longer build Satan’s (Babylonian) kingdom.

Chapter 8:

Parasha Tetzaveh 2022: Keeping HIS Commandments!

“Tetzaveh 2022: Keeping HIS Commandments” talks about how Yahweh says His commandments are for all generations, and that keeping His commandments is still a life-or-death decision today! And we see how breaking Yahweh’s commandments often ended in death for our ancestors, both before and after Yeshua’s resurrection! Please join us to know what Yahweh wants, and how you and your children can be found pleasing in Yahweh’s eyes, so that you may escape His righteous judgment that is coming upon the earth soon.

Video 9:

Parasha Tetzaveh 2022: Keeping HIS Commandments!

“Tetzaveh 2022: Keeping HIS Commandments” shows us how Yahweh says His commandments are for all generations, and that keeping His commandments is still a life-or-death decision today! And we see how breaking Yahweh’s commandments often ended in death for our ancestors, both before and after Yeshua’s resurrection! Please join us to know what Yahweh wants, and how you and your children can be found pleasing in Yahweh’s eyes, so that you may escape His righteous judgment that is coming upon the earth.

If these works have been a help to you in your walk with Messiah Yeshua, please pray about partnering with His kingdom work. Thank you. Give