Video 1:

Parasha B’reisheet 2023-24: Blessings in the Light!

B’reisheet means “In the beginning”. And in Parasha B’reisheet we learn about how Yahweh created us and what His plans for us were from the beginning. We will see how our rebellion has separated us from Elohim since the Fall of Man and His plan of Salvation for us through Yeshua HaMashiach. Please join us.

Video 2:

Parasha Noach 2023: Yeshua, the Rainbow, and the Covenant!

In Parasha Noach we are going to learn about Noah and his family, how the days of Noah compares with today, and how it was through Yahweh’s grace and favor, and Noah’s faith and obedience that Noah was saved. And we will see how it is by that same grace offered to us through Messiah Yeshua that we have the opportunity for Salvation.

Video 4:

Parasha Vayeira: Faith of a Child!

Parasha Vayeira means “And He appeared”. Can we imagine: What if we were there when Yah Elohim appeared to Avraham (Abraham) or Noach (Noah)? What if we were there when Yeshua HaMashiach walked the earth in the first century, like Kepha (Peter) or one of His other disciples were? Join us as we see how all these biblical stories of old relate closely to us today in Nazarene Israel.

Video 10:

Parasha Vayeshev 2023 – “Yoseph: Faith in Affliction!”

In Parasha Vayeshev we read about the forefather of the House of Ephraim, Yoseph (Joseph), about the prophetic dreams given to him by Yahweh Elohim, and about how he kept faith through many trials. Including his own brothers selling him into Egypt. Yoseph is a perfect example of how we too can endure all things through Yeshua HaMashiach and never grow weak or weary in faith.

Video 11:

Parasha Miketz 2023 – “The Fight Between Flesh and Spirit!”

As Parasha Miketz continues the story of Yoseph (Joseph), we will see how Yahweh Elohim used all of the struggles Yoseph experienced for His greater purpose. And how we also must sometimes face trials in our lives today to strengthen us in our faith. And we will also see how the story of Yoseph is an example of how to break generational curses within the family.

Video 12:

Parasha Vayigash 2023 – “Yahweh’s Perfect Purpose!”

Parasha Vayigash continues the story of Yoseph’s (Joseph’s) reconciliation with his father and brothers in Egypt. And it is here that we see Yoseph surrender all bitterness and anger toward his brothers and forgive them. And we see Yoseph profess that all the trials he went through was Yahweh’s perfect, predestined purpose.

Video 14:

Parasha Shemote 2023 – “Faith Like A Lion!”

Welcome to Parasha Shemote, the first parasha of the Parashiot Shemote series. Join us on the journey of how Yahweh used one humble man (Moshe, or Moses) to begin building the nation of Yisrael (Israel). And how Yahweh Elohim is able to use anyone for His good purpose if we walk in faith and obedience to His perfect will. For as Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 18 says, we are the clay, and He is the Potter.

Video 17:

Parasha B’shalach 2023 – “Yahweh Delivers!”

Shalom and welcome to this week’s parasha B’shalach. It is titled “Yahweh Delivers!” because all throughout this parasha, we will go over the various ways that Yahweh is faithful even when we are not, and never ceases to stop being His people’s Savior. In this parasha we will discuss the parallels between the children of Israel then, and the body of Messiah now, and we will see that we are not so different, Yahweh has never stopped being our salvation!

Video 18:

Parasha Yitro 2023 – “Yeshua and the Ten Commandments!”

In “Parasha Yitro: Yeshua and the Ten Commandments!” we learn about the need for organization and the need for proper understanding of the Ten Commandments in both the House of Judah and the House of Joseph. We will see how the Ten Commandments are a summation of Torah, how the two commandments given in Matthew chapter 22 are a summation of the Ten Commandments, And how part of HaMashiach Yeshua’s ministry was to bring both Houses back to Torah.

Video 20:

Parasha Terumah – Qadosh (Set-apart) Worship!

At first glance, the structure of the tabernacle may not make total sense, and we might ask ourselves why was Yahweh so specific on how to construct the tabernacle (His Set-Apart house). As we go through this study, we will discover all the various ways the structure of the tabernacle points to Yeshua, His Melchizedekian Priesthood, and our salvation.

Video 22:

Parasha Vayakhel-Pekudei – What is Yahweh’s Definition of Love?

Have you ever taken a moment to ponder what your definition of love is, and then compared it to Yahweh’s? Well in parasha Vayakhel/Pekudei, we will study the life of King Josiah, and cross reference his life, with passages from the Brit Chadasha, and we will come away with Yahweh’s definition of love, and see if we match it.

Video 23:

Parasha Vayiqra – Forgiven and covered by Grace

In this week’s parasha Vayiqra, as we get into, the book of Leviticus (Vayiqra), we will be covering many of Yahweh’s commandments, and with that comes the confusion that exists between the two houses (Judah & Joseph) regarding forgiveness and Elohim’s grace, and so we will be clarifying those myths and misnomers of what it means to be forgiven and covered by Elohim’s grace.

Video 24:

Parasha Tzav-What do the burnt offerings really symbolize?

Have you wondered why Yahweh gave the specifics of the burnt offerings and how they really point to Yeshua? In this week’s parasha Tzav, we will take a deeper dive into last week’s study, “Forgiven and covered by Grace” and how the burnt offerings really symbolize deep repentance, trust and faith in Yeshua.

Video 25:

Parasha Shemini-Living Intentionally

In parasha Shemini we will analyze the thought-provoking deaths of Nadab, Abihu, and Uzzah. It is in these examples where scripture unequivocally declares that even with the seemingly boring, and monotonous aspects of our lives, if they are not done with the correct intention and careful consideration for Yahweh’s desires, we can yield undesired consequences in our lives.

Video 39:

Parasha Pinchas – The Virtues and Zeal of Yahweh

In Parasha Pinchas, there two parts that we will analyze, first the zeal demonstrated by Pinchas pertaining to Israel’s worshipping of Baal, and the second part with the sermon of the beatitudes, which can be defined as the virtues of Yeshua or Yahweh. And if you’d like to learn more about these two things, and how it’s imperative that we have a proper balance of both, please join me as we study Yahweh’s word.

If these works have been a help to you in your walk with Messiah Yeshua, please pray about partnering with His kingdom work. Thank you. Give