Chapter 3:

Parasha Beha’alotcha 2022: Increase Humility, Increase Faith!

In Hebrew, the term Beha’alotcha means “when you step up!” Only, our forefathers did NOT “step up” when Yahweh called them! Their lack of faith and commitment cost them everything (and their children also suffered because of it)! Join us for Parasha Beha’alotcha as we learn from our forefathers’ mistakes (so that we can avoid the same punishment)!

Video 24:

Parasha Beha’alotcha 2022: Increase Humility, Increase Faith

In Hebrew, the term Beha’alotcha means “when you step up!” Only, our forefathers did NOT “step up” when Yahweh called them! Their lack of faith and commitment cost them everything (and their children also suffered because of it)! Join us for Parasha Beha’alotcha as we learn from our forefathers’ mistakes (so that we can avoid the same punishment)!

If these works have been a help to you in your walk with Messiah Yeshua, please pray about partnering with His kingdom work. Thank you. Give