Chapter 1:

Parasha Shemote 2022

In Parasha Shemote, we begin to see how Yahweh would form Israel as a nation after leaving Egypt (symbolic of the world system). And we show the parallels to how Yahweh is also calling His Bride (Nazarene Israel) out of the Babylonian world-system today, to restore the northern house of Ephraim’s (Israel’s) status as His set-apart Nation.

Chapter 5:

Parasha Yitro 2022

In Parasha Yitro, we learn from the historical accounts of our forefathers in the wilderness, and talk about how we can prevent ourselves from making these same mistakes, today, in these end times. And the key to this all is simply to make the active, conscious commitment to obey Yahweh in all things, and “do as Yahweh says”. And we also talk about how vital such 100% submission and obedience will be in the years ahead, as Yahweh Elohim pours out His righteous judgment upon the nations who refuse to obey His authority.

Chapter 7:

Parasha Terumah 2022: That it be ONE Tabernacle!

Terumah 2022: “That it may be ONE Tabernacle!” talks about what He requires of us vis-a-vis unity, if we hope to survive the Great Tribulation (let alone the Judgment). We look at the parallels between how Yahweh (Yeshua) commanded the pattern of the tabernacle in the wilderness, as compared to today, now that we are restoring Yeshua’s Tabernacle of David.
You only need to watch this video if you want you and your children to survive the Great Tribulation and the Ingathering.

Chapter 8:

Parasha Tetzaveh 2022: Keeping HIS Commandments!

“Tetzaveh 2022: Keeping HIS Commandments” talks about how Yahweh says His commandments are for all generations, and that keeping His commandments is still a life-or-death decision today! And we see how breaking Yahweh’s commandments often ended in death for our ancestors, both before and after Yeshua’s resurrection! Please join us to know what Yahweh wants, and how you and your children can be found pleasing in Yahweh’s eyes, so that you may escape His righteous judgment that is coming upon the earth soon.

Chapter 9:

Parasha Ki Tisa 2022: Allegiance To HIM

What role does ALLEGIANCE play in Scripture? In “Ki Tisa 2022: Where is Your Allegiance?” we show how our forefathers (sadly) have a history of hearing and obeying Satan rather than hearing and obeying Yahweh! In this video we explore the “Golden Calf Rule”—that we must never do to Yahweh our Elohim as our ancestors did unto Yahweh in the wilderness! To know what our ancestors did–so we can avoid making the same mistakes–read this study and learn how we can all give our full allegiance to Yahweh our Elohim, so that we no longer build Satan’s (Babylonian) kingdom.

If these works have been a help to you in your walk with Messiah Yeshua, please pray about partnering with His kingdom work. Thank you. Give