Video 4:

Two House Theory

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  1. Hans Peter Ehrsam
    Hans Peter Ehrsam
    May 6, 2020 at 9:48 am

    Shalom, achi Norman!
    Are these videos old ones, old because you’re not wearing a head covering? I chose the French language, but I couldn’t see any French text. Why this?
    Hans Peter

  2. Norman Willis
    Norman Willis
    May 10, 2020 at 10:52 am

    Shalom, dear Hans Peter,
    Yes, these videos are all very old. We want to replace them all with new and better ones (with a head covering), except maybe for the Revelation series (which we will eventually replace and update, but not soon).

    I apologize the older videos do not have French or German subtitles. This is something we are preparing to do for the newer videos, moving forward. We are trying to focus our efforts on moving forward. I hope this helps.


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