Video 8:

Parasha Terumah 2022: That it be ONE Tabernacle!

This Week’s Video: Parasha Terumah 2022:: “That it may be ONE Tabernacle!” talks about what He requires of us vis-a-vis unity, if we hope to survive the Great Tribulation (let alone the Judgment). We look at the parallels between how Yahweh (Yeshua) commanded the pattern of the tabernacle in the wilderness, as compared to today, now that we are restoring Yeshua’s Tabernacle of David.

You only need to watch this video if you want you and your children to survive the Great Tribulation and the Ingathering.

Read: Parasha Terumah Here!

If these works have been a help to you in your walk with Messiah Yeshua, please pray about partnering with His kingdom work. Thank you. Give