Chapter 9:

Parasha Mattot/Massei 2022: Are WE Our Brothers’ Keepers?

When asked what the greatest commandment was, Yeshua named both the first and the second commandments. If Yeshua saw it just as important for us to love our brothers as we love ourselves, do we find it important to love our brothers and sisters in the faith? And do we actively walk that commandment out today? Join us for Parasha Mattot-Massei as we see our struggle with keeping this commandment throughout our history.

Video 30:

Parasha Mattot/Massei 2022: Are WE Our Brothers’ Keepers?

When asked what the greatest commandment was, Yeshua named both the first and the second commandments. If Yeshua saw it just as important for us to love our brothers as we love ourselves, do we find it important to love our brothers and sisters in the faith? And do we actively walk that commandment out today? Join us for Parasha Mattot-Massei as we see our struggle with keeping this commandment throughout our history.

Chapter 6:

Matthew 18 and Adultery: Part 1

In Adultery and Matthew 18, Part 1 we explain the principles and precepts of set-apart Hebraic community, so that we can understand how set-apart communities are supposed to be organized. This will give us the foundation necessary to understand how to deal with adultery both in the land of Israel under the Levitical order (in Part 2), and in the Adultery and Matthew 18, Part 1 we explain the principles and precepts of set-apart Hebraic community relationships. This helps us understand how set-apart communities are supposed to be organized. That will give us the foundation necessary to understand how to deal with adultery both in the land of Israel under the Levitical order (in Part 2), and in the Dispersion under the Melchizedekian order (Part 3).
spersion under the Melchizedekian order (Part 3).

Chapter 1:

Set-Apart Communities: Part 1

We have a lot of very important information for you in this study. We have had a lot of studies and a lot of very disparate things, and people are wondering why they need to know these things. And I believe that knowing about the communities is going to help snap things into focus for a lot of people. This is a very, very important teaching, it is a very important series.

Chapter 18:

What is the Church?

As we show in Nazarene Israel, the original faith of the apostles was called the “Nazarene sect” (i.e., Nazarene Israel). However, there were several other variants of the faith in the first century. One of these was called Christianity. Christianity is similar to the Nazarene faith, except they do not believe in keeping the full […]

Chapter 17:

Acts 15 in the Context of Unity

In Fulfilling the Great Commission we show that both the Torah and the Renewed Covenant tell us to: Unite Organize Appoint leadership Yet, if the Torah and the Renewed Covenant tell us to organize and appoint leadership, but the Messianics refuse, then how can they claim to “keep the Torah”? The Catholics, the Protestants, independent […]

Chapter 16:

Messianism: The Church in Transition

In Fulfilling the Great Commission, we show that the Messianic movement is essentially an extension of Protestant and independent Christianity; and because it is an extension of Protestant/Independent Christianity, the Messianics make doctrinal mistakes similar to the Protestants and independent Christians. One of the key errors Protestant and independent Christians make is that they fail […]

Chapter 5:

Gender Roles in the Kingdom

Yahweh created woman as a help meet corresponding to her man. Genesis 2:18 18 And Yahweh Elohim said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” (18) וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה אֱלֹהִים לֹא טוֹב הֱיוֹת הָאָדָם לְבַדּוֹ | אֶעֱשֶׂהּ לּוֹ עֵזֶר כְּנֶגְדּוֹ This word “comparable” is the […]

If these works have been a help to you in your walk with Messiah Yeshua, please pray about partnering with His kingdom work. Thank you. Give